We can all relate one way or another with the above emotions, Autofin Assist understands that life can be “hectic”, and it can make you feel “septic”. We are here to help in the despair! 

What we do:

We help solve our clients’ vehicle finance problems and put them into the driver’s seat of their personal wealth. Whether you are looking to purchase a vehicle, are interested in refinancing your vehicle at a lower interest rate, are in need of competitive vehicle finance or are cash-strapped and you need a cash loan. We can offer you cash loans, vehicle finance or refinancing of your vehicle. This means that we can help you if you need instant cash or if you need to own a vehicle. Do you want to own the car of your dreams or are you looking for a lower interest rate on your vehicle finance? we can assist you.

We work with all the major banks.

We’ve all been in financial dips in life and the valleys can seem dark and extremely daunting at times… however, Autofin Assist can help you regain your financial flow. Let us help you climb that ladder to your future financial freedom.


Travelling expenses can prevent everyone from going on that much-needed holiday. With Autofin Assist we can help everyone’s money from not flying out the window!

Get access to cash flow by refinancing a personal vehicle and get a personal loan with cash flow back into your pocket. We can schedule a very low repayment plan for you.

Don’t delay for a pay, Contact us today!

To jump in front of the que – USE CODE – 777


Autofin Assist is a registered nationwide financial service provider.

CELL:     011 100 4777

EMAIL:  info@autofinassist.co.za

WEB:     www.autofinassist.co.za